Sunday, 25 March 2018

Teaching Importance of Charity in Islamic Schools

The Islamic teachings emphasize on charity to a great extent. Charity is of great importance in Islam. Many Islamic schools take up initiative to teach their students about the importance of charity in our day to day life and why is hold such significance in Islam. According to the Holy Quran and the Prophet, charity is an important part of the life of a true Muslim. It must be made a way of life and practiced regularly.
Charity as a Part of Moral Education in Schools
Moral education is an additional subject or initiative taken by a regular school as well as an Islamic boarding school to teach their students more about the lessons of the Holy Quran as well as the significance of charity mentioned in it. A little time is dedicated to teach moral education to children as a part of the curriculum. The lessons include inculcating the concept of charity and the activities that can be undertaken by the students to do charity work in and around their houses and schools.
Charitable Activities in Schools
The schools organize events to help children perform charitable activities such as cleanliness drives, donation of old and usable clothes and shoes and other such activities. These activities are taught to the students as a part of the never ending chain of charity or sadaqa jariya as mentioned in the Holy Quran. The schools also take the initiative to visit orphanages and old age homes to do charity work with their students.

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