Saturday, 28 August 2021

How Are Muslim Schools Different Than Other Public Schools?

 Being a minority in most western countries can be confusing for many children. Hence building a sense of belonging and community and the responsibility to maintain the culture and be dutiful towards one religion is important for parents to see their children learn from at least the teenage years. For many families who follow Islamic teachings and principles, sending their child to a Muslim school is the best option. These schools provide kids with a sense of worth, confidence, and cultural identity that they would not receive in a public school setting as they would not be educated about the history and heritage that their community have in the first place.

Muslim school

Unlike most public schools, schools teaching Islamic courses want to provide a vibrant and enriching Islamic environment where students can get a good education and are also challenged to achieve excellence in a family-like setting, and their well-being and success as their top priority. The robust extracurricular program that an Islamic school can provide can complement all parts of the academic program and cater to a culturally and ethnically diverse student body.

The presence of a strong Islamic environment also ensures worshiping Allah with love and passion and not just for the sake of praying. It also guarantees the less exposure of substances and distractions such as sex and violence that deviate most teenagers from living a principled and simple life. Much to the satisfaction of the parents and families of the children, a Muslim school shares more Islamic knowledge than a public school would ever do.

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